Is Bulk Shopping Convenient or a Waste of Money?

Americans have been bulk hopping as a means of saving money for decades, but is it really saving us money?


In the light of the global recession ten years ago, more and more Americans turned to buying in bulk. However, even as the economy has improved, people have continued to do it. As an example, CostCo reported a 9.7% increase in net sales in the last fiscal year.


The thing is, in theory, bulk shopping is a convenient, easy, and handy way to save money. But in reality, it sometimes leads people to pay more and waste more.

The Pitfalls of Bulk Shopping

Bulk shopping leads to a number of pitfalls that people just don’t talk about. If on the surface, something seems too good to be true, it’s human nature not to question it.

An all-too-common marketing ploy for club stores is to avoid placing any information on the shelf labels such as weight and amount for the price. Therefore, when customers rightfully presume that a bulk" is always the better option, they lose money.

Solution: Know the cost per unit of what you're buying - are you really getting a value deal?

Known in the business as the "empty-cart effect", overbuying happens a lot. People often report buying more than they intended, particularly when it comes to bulk shopping.

Solution: Create a shopping list before you go - buy what you need.

The average American throws a pound of food away every day. Buying groceries or daily needs items with expiration date  means there's a higher chance of them spoiling or expired or you/r family becoming "burnt-out" before it's been eaten.

Solution: Don't buy more than your house can consume, even if it seems like a good idea at the time.

When is bulk shopping a good idea?

When you buy in packs. Buying packs is buying multiple quantities of an item.  The size of the item is the normal size, not large or bulk size (like Sam’s or Costco’s sizes)


  • Minimizes waste – No more expired stuff: because the item is normal size, I can share, split the cost with other buyers, divide the packs among my kids, take it on-the-go, etc.
  • More control over you budget: easier to allocate usage by time periods (i.e., weekly) for each pack.
  • Convenient: space is no longer an issue.  I can store my packs separately.  It’s also easier for me to split or share as needed.
  • On-the-go: Now I can split the packs and take on-the-go any time I want and not worry about inconveniencing my family.

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