Acu-Life - Deluxe Pill Splitter With Pill Box - 2 EA
Acu-Life - Deluxe Pill Splitter With Pill Box - 2 EA

Easily divides pills and vitamins of all types for reduced dosage and easier swallowing. Reduces crumbling and uneven doses. Stainless steel blade. Two compartments for storage of pills.
1. Place pill into V slot. 2. Gently apply light pressure to the top part of the splitter to cut pill. Cleaning: Wash in warm soapy water. Be careful not to come into direct contact with blade. Rinse with hot water and allow to air dry.
Pill Splitter
Blade is sharp. Always avoid direct contact with blade. Keep out of reach of children. Patients should consult their physician or pharmacist prior to splitting pills.