Treat effects of dehydration and rapidly rehydrate with Hydralyte’s oral electrolyte solution. Signs and symptoms of dehydration include increased thirst, fatigue, dizziness, headaches, dark or decreased urine, sticky or dry mouth, loss of skin elasticity, and irritability. These ready-to-drink electrolyte solutions are clinically formulated for rapid rehydration. Hydralyte’s oral electrolyte solution come in three great tasting flavors: Orange, Berry and color-free Lemonade. Hydralyte is a clinically formulated to contain the correct balance of glucose and electrolytes for the prevention and relief of dehydration. The formulation of Hydralyte’s electrolyte drink is based on the World Health Organization criteria for effective rehydration. Hydralyte works by replacing fluid and electrolytes lost due to vomiting, diarrhea, fever and heavy sweating. ONVENIENT AND READY TO DRINK ELECTROLYTE SOLUTION: Because this format of Hydralyte is pre-mixed and ready to drink, there is no error in mixing. Know that you’re drinking the correct balance of fluids and electrolytes for rapid rehydration. EXTENDED SHELF LIFE OF ORAL HYDRATION DRINK: Extended shelf life after opening – bottles of Hydralyte last up to 1 month once open in the refrigerator. PERFECT HYDRATION SOLUTION FOR ACTIVE PEOPLE: Hydralyte may also be taken to help manage dehydration due to the loss of fluids through heavy sweating. This can be caused by fever, endurance exercise, prolonged heat exposure or prolonged physical work. IDEAL SOLUTION TO MANAGE VOMITING AND DIARRHEA: Hydralyte may be taken on the first signs of fluid loss due to vomiting and diarrhea which can lead to inadequate levels of fluid and electrolytes within our bodies. The balance of fluids and electrolytes in Hydralyte provides rapid and effective rehydration. HYDRALYTE IS MORE EFFECTIVE THAN SUGARY DRINKS: Water or sugary drinks (i.e. soda or standard sports drinks) are not as effective as. Hydralyte as they do not adequately restore lost electrolytes (which retain the fluid). Sports drinks also contain a lot of sugar (approximately 4 times the amount compared with Hydralyte!) and excess sugar can cause bloating and impede the hydration process.