FabWa - Berry
FabWa - Berry

FabWa Energy is a liquid water enhancer which turns your water into a
great tasting energy drink. FabWa has no calories and is sugar-free,
fat-free and gluten-free. Our proprietary energy formula contains
caffeine (140mg), taurine, and B vitamins. FabWa tastes great and is an
alternative to high calorie, sugary canned energy drinks. FabWa is
packaged in single serve, premeasured stick packs so it is easy to take
it with you when you are on the go. The FabWa mix is a clear liquid
which instantaneously dissolves in your water and leaves no undissolved
residue and your water stays clear: FabWa does not make your water a
crazy color! There are 30 packets of great tasting FabWa in the bag.